Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kids say the darndest things!

Preston: No no no no in a whimpering voice. I asked whats wrong he was so distraught and he finally said its Ashlynn..... I want a new sister.
-We were sitting on the couch looking out the front window and it was raining. He said mom the house is the ship and the road is the water. And then later we will take the submarine, as he pointed to the car.
-We were trying to pick up the house and told Ashlynn to help and she wouldn't then Preston in stern voice yells at Ash DO YOU LIKE LIVING IN A MESSY HOUSE?
-Then he was bickering with the friend from next door who was over at our house. And they both believed they were right next thing I hear. WELL IT'S MY HOUSE AND I'M THE BOSS!
Boy O Boy


Walt and Julie Johnson said...

Ha ha! Love it! :)

Deb Williams said...

Love it!!!

Holly said...

Thats so cute and funny!

Laura said...

Oh, you have your hands full, don't you? Miss those kids and you!