Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Big Girl!

Addison has some new tricks she can do. Within the last two weeks she found her feet and she can roll over on her tummy. She also is starting to grab things a lot. I keep forgetting she can roll over and she has almost fell off the couch and the bed. She has the cutest sqeaks right now it sound like she is screaming but she really is just testing out her voice box.
Check out her thick thighs! I love her rolls. I simply can't get enough of the cutie patutie!


Baller family said...

What a cutie! They grow sooo fast. I hope you are doing well.

Tara Green said...

i heard that stuff i gave jim helped addy the other day. woot! i know how frustrating it is. that is the ONLY stuff that works for teagy.